Friday, October 17, 2008


I always have trouble with introductions. That's my excuse if this first post fails to make me sound as smart, witty, articulate, etc. as I would like. With that being said, I'm Elaine, the UC Berkeley representative for Platform One Entertainment. I'm not exactly sure what I'll write about here, so expect anything. Even as I say this though, I know I'm probably going to write mostly about music and maybe the occasional book.

I just thought of a corny idea that I may or may not follow up on. If I end every post with a riddle, readers (?) will have an incentive to either come back next time to find out the answer, or I guess they could just Google it. That's actually what I would do, but let's hope you guys have more patience than I do.

Here's one my math professor told my class: what do you get when you cross an elephant with a grape? Tune in next time if you want to know. :)

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