Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
life goals, 5/27/09
This is it for the compulsive (and useless) posting, I promise. :)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
I really hate how every post has to have a title.
Also, this is the second time this week that I have stayed up late enough to catch the sunrise, but on both occasions, I could not actually witness said sunrise because it was so cloudy.
Did you know that I have an aversion to using the Caps Lock key? I usually just hold Shift and type awkwardly.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
life goals, 4/21/09
1) Work in a record store.
2) Be enough of a pretentious f*** to get into the Radiohead Decal at Berkeley. AND THEN, openly admit that I infinitely prefer Pablo Honey over OK Computer, which is true, but also apparently very blasphemous.
3) Never own another car besides my '97 Nissan Maxima, which is so undesirable that once, I accidentally left my keys in the ignition, and no one bothered to steal it, but which I love regardless.
4) Become really good at something really useless. I haven't decided what yet.
I used to want to change the world, but this might make me equally happy.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Campus Music Invasion 2009
Now if you'll excuse me, there is a spider in my printer that I really have to attend to.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
my war on clutter
So after a hellish week of not having internet, all is well again. I had a bit of a "Welcome Back Wireless Connection" celebration, which basically consisted of downloading a whole bunch of shit onto my computer. Mostly music, but also 4 seasons of the Justice League. How awesome was that show, right? :)
Which brings me to my next point: I have decided that I am going to do some spring cleaning for my music collection, which currently stands at 34.13 GB, and 22.39 GB of it has never been listened to! I think I have a problem of keeping too much music I don't like, in hopes that it will grow on me, because some music is like that. I’m especially reluctant to delete bands that receive a lot of hype, since I can’t help but feel that there is something I’m missing that allows everybody except me to appreciate it. But this ends today, or sometime in the near future! So I hereby vow to give a fair listen to the following bands, and if I still don’t like them, to the Recycle Bin they go. Regardless of what all the music critics in the world think.
1) The Decemberists
2) Bright Eyes
4) Arctic Monkeys
5) Architecture in
6) Band of Horses
8) Au Revoir Simone
10) Broken Social Scene
11) Dinosaur Jr.
12) Drive-By Truckers
13) Eels
14) The Flaming Lips
15) Hot Hot Heat
16) Husker Du
17) Metric
18) The Residents
19) Sonic Youth
20) The Soviettes
21) Sunny Day Real Estate
22) Tunng
23) The Unicorns
24) Vampire Weekend
Was that necessary, enumerating all of them? I’m sure you don’t think so. Admittedly, when I started, I didn’t think it would be such a long list. If I legitimately obtained all my music, I’d be pretty unnecessarily broke.
Monday, April 6, 2009
an indie music movie soundtrack
Opening Credits: Rilo Kiley - "A Better Son/Daughter"
Car Chase: Stars - "Soft Revolution"
Love Scene: Stars - "My Favourite Book"
Ending Credits: Dizzy Balloon - "Young Love"/Badly Drawn Boy - "Four Leaf Clover"
That was pretty fun. I'd like to have a job where I can just sit at a conference table and talk about music I like. I could make movie soundtracks, or choose songs for Rock Band. "I LIKE THIS SONG," or "FALL OUT BOY IS LAME, AND NOT IN A COOL NOSTALGIC WAY BECAUSE THEY'RE FAIRLY RECENT." Maybe I'll go make up some business cards offering my services as a Music Consultant. No, I probably won't. I just Googled it, and the title is already taken for a less-cool job.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
here are some things I love (and some I don't)
Springtime even makes reading Virginia Woolf enjoyable. But for fairness's sake, I can't tell if it's the good weather or the actual literature. I think after having to read Gertrude Stein (only 3 pages of it!), anything is a blast. Reading "Tender Buttons" absolutely made me want to cry; it was so frustrating and nonsensical, and I even Googled "How to read Gertrude Stein," but it didn't really yield anything that helpful. If you're ever feeling particularly masochistic, go check it out.
Saturday, March 21, 2009

Live Nation Entertainment?
Wanted: Tickets to Coachella
Exhibit A:

Friday, March 20, 2009
Lollapalooza '09
Monday, March 16, 2009
Camera Obscura at SXSW

Looking at the list of bands that are going to be at SXSW, I have to admit that I practically don't recognize any of them except Camera Obscura. So I will write about them. Camera Obscura is a great chamberpop band from Scotland with a very mellow sound. They're also quite retro for a modern band, and one look at their influences reveals why--the list spans everything from Elvis to The Lovin' Spoonful to Joy Division, so their music is occasionally heavy on the electronic instrumentals, coupled with excellent vocal melodies. I think they've been compared to Belle & Sebastian a lot, largely because both bands are from Scotland and they have a somewhat similar sound. I can't say which I prefer, but I will concede that Tracyanne Campbell, the singer for Camera Obscura, has a much lovelier voice. And while their songs have the same upbeat melodies and fun instrumentation, there are definitely darker emotions expressed in the lyrics if you bother to listen closely enough. Case in point, the first Camera Obscura song I ever loved was, "I Need All the Friends I Can Get," which has a very happy, sort of sing-song melody, and lyrics like, "You can't see that you're just the same/As all the stupid people who you hate." They manage to be insulting while sounding absolutely benign and innocent, which is a very trademark sort of thing for them. If it sounds like something you'd be into, I recommend checking out their two most recent albums, "Underachievers Please Try Harder" and my personal favorite, "Let's Get Out of This Country." And if you're lucky enough to be at SXSW this year, make sure you don't miss out on seeing them on the first day of the festival!
Monday, March 9, 2009
no can has english major?
Unfortunately, I am not at all fluent in LOLCat, so this version made about as much sense as Eliot's. The LOLCat version, however, has caused me to seriously doubt my own faculties of observation. The LOLCat seems to have noticed several images alluding to masturbation, but this has actually gone entirely over my head, even in my repeated close readings.
I wonder what implications this has for my literary future.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
no time for a hundred indecisions
Genre #1: Hip-hop
Opener: Gnarls Barkley
Mid: M.I.A.
Headliner: Santogold
What's that you say? Gnarls Barkley and Santogold aren't actually hip-hop? In my book, they are. If I hear you rapping (and you're not being ironic), you're hip-hop. I know Santogold is horribly offended by this label, but my justification is that I'm honestly not doing it on racist terms. So now that I've sufficiently defended myself against classification Nazis, if those exist, I'd like to explain my choice. I've never liked hip-hop (or any other terms I judge to be equivalent, i.e. rap, R&B, etc.). And when I learned I had to come up with my top 3 hip-hop artists, I practically tore my hair out in panic (minor exaggeration). So after much research, I've compromised for a sort of pop rap theme. I'd like to see Gnarls Barkley live because I've always sort of liked them (since their ubiquitous hit, "Crazy"). And also, I hear they put on a great live show, with themed costumes. Next, I chose M.I.A. because I think I'm beginning to appreciate her music more (read: more than I appreciate other rappers), and because she has apparently performed her last show?! I chose Santogold because I actually really like the music from her debut album. My favorites are probably, "L.E.S. Artistes," "Shove It," "Lights Out," and "Say Aha."
Genre #2: Jazz
Opener: John Coltrane (c. 1960s)
Mid: Nat King Cole (c. 1950s)
Headliner: Frank Sinatra (c. 1940s)
Jazz was also a bit hard for me, since I'm not much of a jazz-appreciater. I'd like to be, but it's just hard for me to get into certain types of music at this point in my life. Like Bob Dylan. I don't like admitting this to hardcore music snobs, but I really don't see what's so great about Dylan. Call it a lack of maturity, but I also can't yet appreciate 10-minute saxophone solos. But I hear the experience of seeing a jazz performer live is incomparable to hearing a CD, so I'll go out on a limb and put John Coltrane on my list. Also, he's is reputedly an amazing improviser. Nat King Cole made the list because I love the sound of his voice. And I think Frank Sinatra is a no-brainer. Frank Sinatra songs have been the soundtrack to my love life, and I know by heart all the words to "Let's Fall in Love," "Fly Me to the Moon," "The Way You Look Tonight," "Somethin' Stupid," "I've Got the World On a String," etc. You get the idea.
Genre #3: Rock
Opener: Blondie (c. 1980s)
Mid: Queen (c. 1980s)
Headliner: The Beatles (c. 1960s)
There are so many bands in this genre I would love to see live, and it certainly makes me unhappy to have to leave so many out of this set list. In case one of the above bands calls in sick, I would please like someone from the following to step in: The Clash, The Pogues, Stone Temple Pilots, Alice in Chains, The Cure, The Smiths, Nirvana, The Velvet Underground, The Replacements, Duran Duran, or Bruce Springsteen. Maybe I did that to illustrate what a tough choice it was. Maybe I did it as an honorable mention. More likely, I did it because I have very little confidence in my final set list, and I like to keep my options around. I chose Blondie because I love everything they do, which seems an adequate enough reason. I am also still disappointed at not being able to see them this week. The show is the night before my economics midterm, but I still wouldn't hesitate to go if I were somehow magically offered tickets. By a secret admirer who reads this blog. No? Well, it was worth a shot. I think Queen and The Beatles need no explanation.
Genre #4: Pop
Opener: The Magnetic Fields
Mid: The Killers
Headliner: Stars
For Genre #4, I chose the vague, all-encompassing genre of pop. I've actually already seen The Killers and Stars in concert, but I really enjoyed both concerts, so I would have no problem seeing them again. The Magnetic Fields and Stars both have a very charming, lo-fi sound, and really clever lyrics. And The Killers are just a lot of fun. Enough said.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
homework trouble
On a more positive note, I am very excited for Coraline to come out in theatres this Friday. I'm always so worried when there's a movie adaptation of a book I really like, but so far it looks very promising. At the very least, I will be impressed by the amazing craftsmanship, i.e. the cherry blossoms made of popcorn, and other fantastic DIY elements with a very "If Martha Stewart Designed Stop-Motion Animation Sets" feel. I have a lot of expectations riding on this movie, and I think if it turns out really well, it may even make up for the loss of seeing Debbie Harry live, because for me, Neil Gaiman is to literature what Blondie is to music (AMAZING). Although Coraline is admittedly one of his creepier works, despite the fact that it's for children. I read it when I was in high school, and it still creeped me out the extent that, for days, I was on the lookout for severed porcelain hands crawling about in the dark. Ugh.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Henry James In a Nutshell
"There was a disagreeably strong push, a kind of hardness of presence, in his way of rising before her."
Oh, Henry James. The ability to make subtle sexual metaphors is obviously not among your very, very, very few strengths. But boring literature aside, this semester is turning into a really enjoyable one for me. Not only do I have amazing professors such as this one (who also has an interesting theory about a character named Ralph Touchett, who is a bit of a loser and will obviously never get laid, and just what is he doing with his hands in his pockets all the time?), but the subject material is getting infinitely more interesting. I am also taking a class on Batman. Be jealous. :)
of Montreal's "Skeletal Lamping"