Stars receives a disproportionate amount of the total plays I have "scrobbled" on Last.fm, approximately twice as many as any other given band. Yes, more than The Beatles, more than Queen, more than Blondie, more than anything else I've so far professed to love. I saw them live at the Fillmore this year, and it was an absolutely amazing night. I think Stars is the perfect music for young people because it's so romantic and dreamy, and it makes you want to stay that way too, instead of falling into cynicism or practicality as so many people do. They sing about love, and heartbreak, and revolution, and they do it so sincerely, which I think is hard to find in music now, when everyone's trying to look so detached and ironic. I believe that the music you listen to definitely has an impact on who you become, and I don't want to become jaded and tired of life, so this is what I choose to listen to. Maybe it won't have this effect on you, but I really wish everybody liked Stars as much as I do. It might even make the world a better place. My favorite album is "In Our Bedroom After the War," but "Set Yourself On Fire" is a close second. I would absolutely recommend these two albums to anyone.
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